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Oh, the dreaded burpee. We love to complain about this uniquely punishing movement, and try to avoid doing them as much as possible. But have you ever stopped to wonder where the burpee came from and why this torturous exercise is a favorite of fitness professionals across the globe?

Burpees: A Short History

Royal H. Burpee was a physiologist in New York City in 1939. He invented the first version of the burpee as a part of a fitness test. The original movement was milder than the burpee we know and love hate today.

Mr. Burpee never intended for his fitness evaluation tool to become the form of exercise that it has become today. The burpee was intended to be performed 4 times in a row, and he would measure the participant’s heart rate before and after in order to assess their heart’s efficiency at pumping blood, thus determining their overall fitness rate.

Burpees: An Evolution

Over time the burpee was modified from its original, fitness evaluation form to the more vigorous modern movement. Here’s how the burpee evolved:

Original Burpee: Squat down and place both hands on the floor in front of you. Jump feet back into plank position. Jump feet forward. Return to standing. Perform only 4 times in a row, measuring heart rate before and after.

Modern Burpee: Bend over or squat down and place both hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet. Jump both feet back into plank position. Drop to a pushup — your chest should touch the floor. Push or snake up to return to plank position. Jump feet back in toward hands. Explosively jump up into the air, reaching arms straight overhead. Perform as many times in a row as instructed by your trainer!

Burpees: The Most Effective Exercise Ever?!?

When you perform a modern burpee you are essentially doing a vigorous six-count bodyweight movement that requires you to move between six unique positions as quickly as possible.

Everything burns as you go through a series of burpees: your lungs, your legs, your arms, your core and most of all…calories. Burpees cultivate agility, strength, coordination and stamina while burning fat. We’ve even added the “Burp” to our regimen in our All Out classes which is more similar to the original burpee, but still just as effective.

So the next time that you are told to do 20, 30, or 100 burpees: smile to yourself, think of Royal H. Burpee and be happy that you are doing an exercise that gets you enviable results in the shortest possible time.

See you in class!

All the best.

Benjamin Krymis, Co-Founder and CEO

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Fit Tip – If you struggle with getting “full” at meals at home, have lots of fresh veggies around. They take a while to chew and also take up a lot of space in the stomach, helping to tell your brain that you’re full.

Coach Mike Giaquinto

Athlete Good News

Congrats to Chris J on running a 5k in the Bahamas!! (LUCKY!)
Kim M. got her first DOUBLE UNDER, congrats!!

2 Rep Squat Clean PR’s
Frank C- 190
Kim May-90
Yoga Jess-155
Bob V- 165
Ron- 235
Jaz- 185
Kayla P- 135
Tom G- 170
Jess Go-120

Kim B- 50 rep back squat at 135

FRAN Pr’s:
JR- 4:27
Frank O-3:03 Rx
Matt N- 4:56
Scott L- 6:14
Tim K- 8:11 Rx
Kayla P- 5:55
Nora T-5:05
Jess M- 4:28

Congrats to Aniya on PR’ing her weighted pistol at #53!
Bob is killing his toes to bar and muscle up progressions and stringing them together!

Congrats Steph V on rocking 20″ box jumps in the workout with ease!

Kayla L is stringing toes to bar together!!

Chris J first bar muscle up!!

Tom Eddie First MU!

Squat Clean PR’s:

Alexis 115
Breanne 145
Carlos 185
Tom 280
Liz M. 90
Matt M. 165
Chris C. 225
Barbara 70

Lots of FIRST Open Workout-ers! Congrats! 3 weeks down, 2 to go!

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To get started at Strong Together Fitness just request a Free Welcome Package and STF Black Card. PLUS have a workout on us!

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